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AWS Hadoop Memory-Intensive supports only 8 kinds of instances

According to instance-types.html, at Feb 12, 2013, we can use 18 instance types.

On AWS EMR, we can specify any types using the SDK or REST API. Then AWS provides a configuration script for memory. It's hemory-intensive and there is a description for it here. That script configures the properties of Hadoop for memory based on the instance type you selected, however, then you use only 8 types if you use the script according to the description.

There are next types:


If you set up memory-intensive in bootstrap actions of EMR and use types which it doesn't support, The job flow you kicked must be failed at memory-intensive step.

A few days ago, I didn't know that. I tried to use m1.medium, it was failed and I wasted lots of time to check the cause :(

Take care of this!

|-------------+---------------------------| | type | memory-intensive support? | |-------------|---------------------------| | m1.small | YES | | m1.medium | NO | | m1.large | YES | | m1.xlarge | YES | | c1.medium | YES | | c1.xlarge | YES | | m2.xlarge | YES | | m2.2xlarge | YES | | m2.4xlarge | YES | | cc1.4xlarge | NO | | cc2.8xlarge | NO | | cg1.4xlarge | NO | | cr1.8xlarge | NO | | hi1.4xlarge | NO | | hs1.8xlarge | NO | | m3.xlarge | NO | | m3.2xlarge | NO | | t1.micro | NO | |-------------|-----| {:.table .table-condensed}