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Replaced canvas with svg for JUMLY

JUMLY has used <canvas> tag in order to render arrows of message. From v0.1.4, JUMLY uses <svg> tag for those.

I've not understood svg can be customized so easily with CSS. It's strongly helpful, useful, wonderful, awesome... anyway great. And also, it's kindly portable even if css is imported without any JavaScript files. Tremendous again.

Here is an exmample.

class="mono" class="pop"
svg {border:solid gray #ddd}
.mono .arrow {stroke:gray; stroke-width:2px}
.mono .arrow .triangle {fill:none}
.pop .arrow {stroke:#ffba00; stroke-width:8px; stroke-linecap:round; stroke-linejoin:round}
.pop .arrow .triangle {stroke:#bf8b00; fill:none}
<svg class="mono" width="192" height="64">
  <g class="arrow">
    <path class="line" d="M4,32 l140,0"/>
    <path class="triangle" d="M164,32 l-20,12 l0,-24 Z"/>
  <text x='20' y='30' style='text-anchor:start'>class="mono"</text>
<svg class="pop" width="192" height="64">
  <g class="arrow">
    <path class="line" d="M4,32 l140,0"/>
    <path class="triangle" d="M164,32 l-20,12 l0,-24 Z"/>
  <text x='20' y='30' style='text-anchor:start'>class="pop"</text>