A directory layout of node module
I've published a few node modules with npm.
Then, my own specification is like:
- coffee-script can be used for most major scripts
- CLI interface can be supported
- Web interface can be supported
For these, I like a directory layout like:
./+-- bin
| `-- cli.js
|-- index.js
|-- app.coffee
|-- lib
| |-- js
| | |-- index.coffee
| | |-- mymod.coffee
| | |-- ...
| |
| `-- css
| |-- index.styl
| |-- ...
`-- package.js
, which is a wrapper to invoke index.coffee
in lib/js
#!/usr/bin/env node
require(require('path').join(require('fs').realpathSync(__dirname), '../lib/js/index.coffee'));
, which is a wrapper of cil.js
#!/usr/bin/env node
require(require("path").join(require("fs").realpathSync(__dirname), "bin/cli.js"));
, which provides a webapp on express.
#!/usr/bin/env coffee
express = require "express"
jade = require "jade"
stylus = require "stylus"
mymod = require "lib/js/mymod.coffee"
## Your configuraiton of express...
, which is the actual entry point. Here is an example to require a local module.
mymod = require "./mymod"
console.log mymod.hello_message()
, which is a module. At here, provides an object with a function to return a string.
module.exports =
hello_message: -> "hello! from " + __filename
How about you? :)