brownie 0.1.0
Sorry! brownie has already unpublished from npm. Let's use [GRUNT](
I released a smart npm module, brownie-0.1.0. brownie provides three features.
- generate coffee-script project which is publishable to at once.
- you can develop your new project right away because Cakefile is already configured for popular tasks like compile, minify and test(run spec).
- help making task of Cakefile and support namespace for tasks.
install brownie with npm.
$ npm -g install brownie
$ brownie init myapp
$ cd myapp
$ npm install
$ node bin/cli.js you
hello, you
set PATH using .setenv which brownie generated, type cake and you'll see a few tasks.
$ . .setenv
$ cake
Cakefile defines the following tasks:
cake compile # compile *.coffee
cake minify # minify myapp.js
cake spec::run # run spec with jasmine-node
cake spec::compile # compile *
compile task compiles *.coffee under lib/js directory.
$ cake compile
Compiled lib/js/ to build/.js/myapp.js successfully
$ ls build
minify task minimize build/myapp.js.
$ cake minify
$ ls build
myapp.js myapp.min.js
spec::run task runs all specs under spec directory.
$ cake spec::run
Finished in 0.015 seconds
1 test, 1 assertion, 0 failures
spec::compile task compiles spec/*.coffee as compile task.
$ cake spec::compile
Compiled spec/ to build/.spec/myappSpec.js successfully
$ ls build
myapp.js myapp.min.js myappSpec.js
brownie is licensed under MIT license.